College Events
National legal Services Day observed.
National legal Services Day observed.08.11.2024.National services Day has been observed in the college today. The program…
Bhasha Gaurav Sapta
Bhasha Gaurav Sapta09.01.2024Bhasha Gaurav Sapta is organised in college today to celebrate the recognition of Assamese…
Superintendent of Police of Baksa, Sh. Ujjal Pratim Barua APS visit
Book Donated: 05.11.2024.Superintendent of Police of Baksa, Sh. Ujjal Pratim Barua APS visited the college today….
Ist Cycle of NAAC PEER TEAM visit
Ist Cycle of NAAC PEER TEAM visit.The first cycle of NAAC Peer team visit in the…
NAAC Preparedness meeting with students: 09.10.2024
NAAC Preparedness meeting with students: 09.10.2024A staff meeting with the students of the college has been…
Swachchhata Hi Sewa:: 2.10.2024
Swachchhata Hi Sewa:: 2.10.2024.The Swachchhata Hi Sewa program has been successfully completed in the college. The…
Menstruation Hygene Training Program
Menstruation Hygene Training ProgramA four day “Menstruation Hygene” Training Program has been successfully completed in the…
A eighty hour training program on Business Accounting Process- Executive pre Assessment
A eighty hour training program on Business Accounting Process- Executive pre Assessment has been initiated in…
Observance of Teachers’ Day: 05.09.2024
Observance of Teachers’ Day: 05.09.2024———————————————————————-Teachers Day 2024 has been observed in the college today. The program…