Bodo Department organised a seminar in collaboration with IQAC today in the college auditorium. The seminar was organised in connection with the observance of the death anniversary of noted Bodo Bodo writer Katindra Swargiary. He authored many books of merit for which he won many awards viz. Someswari Thunglaiyari Bantha in 1997 for his short story book Hongla pundit (हंला फन्दिद), sahitya akademi award for novel Sanmwkhangyari Lamajwng (सान मोखाङारि लामाजों) in 2006.
Phanidhar Boro Asst. professor of Bodo conducted the seminar and Mrs sumitra Narzary of Bodo department offered a key note address. Sri Hiren Boro and Ramedra Goyary attended the seminar as resource person.