Dr. Nitumani Das
Assistant Professor, Department of AssameseEmail- dasnitumoni92@gmail.com,
Phone.: 6001706518
Date of Joining : 12-08-2002
1. Educational Qualification :
- B.A. in Assamese, North Kamrup College
- M.A. in Assamese, Gauhati University
2. Course/Programs/Workshop/Seminar/Webinar attended and participated :
- Participated in UGC sponsored Orientation Programme from 21st August to 17th September, 2017 at G.U. HRDC.
- Participated in UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Assamese (xxxii) from 03 to 23 September, 2018 at G.U. HRDC.
- Participated in two weeks Faculty Development Programme on Advance Research Methodology, organized by IQAC Girl’s College, Kokrajhar, in association with HRDC, G.U. and sponsored by Director of Education, BTC.
- Participated in one week Faculty Development Programme on Fundamentals of Python Programming &Scilab organized by E & ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati, held from 27-31 January, 2020.
- Participated in one week online Faculty Development Programme on Teaching Learning and Evaluation in Higher Education from 9th March to 15th March, 2022, organized by Department of Education, Sibsagar College, Joysagar.
- Participated in ICSSR sponsored International Seminar on ‘Women Empowerment : Issues and Challenges’ held on 04,05,06 Feb, 2015, at Gosaigaon College, Gosaigaon.
- Participated in International Conference and Seminar organized by M.I.L. & L. Studies G.U. held on 26th & 27th Feb, 2016.
- Participated National Seminar on “Interpreting Folklore and Culture of North-East”, organized by Dept. of Folklore Research, G.U., 2019.
- Participated International Seminar on “SrimantaSankardeva as National Integrator”, organized by SrimantaSankardeva Society, 2019.
3. Publications :
- “The Assamese Novel Moitssogandha : The Portray of the Fisherman Community of Assam”. Problematics on Ethnicity, Identity and Literarture.I.SBN 978-81-924140-5-8, 2012.
- “BajaliAnchalarLokaUtsav”. BajalirAitijyaaruSanskriti. ISBN 978-93-81859-40-7, 2017.
- “KamrupiyaDhuliya :ParmparaaruParibartan”. AsomiyaBhasha-Sahitya-Sanskriti- ParamparaaruParibattan. ISBN 978-93-87263-77-2, 2018.
- “Uttar PurbanchalarBhasikBaichitrata :EtiChamuAlochana”. Review Collective Research Initiatives. ISBN 978-93-81959-11-7, 2013.
- “BajalirLokagatharBhetitRachitaDukhanUpanyas :DaochimangaruApeswariAideu : Eti Adhyayan”. Manavayatan. Vol.IX, 2020, ISSN 2249-0612.
- “AsomiyaaruBaroBhasharNichukaniaruLoradhemaliGeet”. Excellence in Education. A Peer Reveiw/Refereed Journal. Vol.XI No.-1, ISSN 2320- 7019, 2022.
4. Membership
- Axom Sahitya Sabha.
- Assam Sishu Sikshya Samitee