IQAC Committee
A brief introduction of our IQAC committee so that you can know who is
who in our committee.

Dr. Jagat Ch. Basumatary
Principal of the CollegeChairman

Dr. Dulen Basumatary
Vice-Principal of the CollegeAdministration Officer, Co-Ordinator

Hemanta Baro
Assistant Professor, EnglishMember

Tridib Ranjan Thakuria
Assistant Professor, EnglishAssistant Co-Ordinator

Rochen Mochahary
Assistant Professor, PhilosophyMember

Hiren Baro
Assistant Professor, Political ScienceMember

Durlov Kr. Baro
Assistant Professor, BodoMember

Dr. Gopesh Ch. Das
Head of the Department, EconomicsMember

Ratneswar Das
Founder Principal, Salbari CollegeInvitee Member

Golok Ch. Baro
Principal, Salbari College, (Jr)Invitee Member

Rupa Basumatary
Assistant Professor, BHG College, SarupetaAlumni Member

Buddhadeb Basumatary
Ex. General SecretaryAlumni Member

General Secretary
Salbari College Student’s UnionStudent Member

Palash Basumatary
Senior AssistantOffice Assistants

Kamal Kr. Basumatary
Junior AssistantOffice Assistants