Principal Desk
Welcome to the page of “principal desk” . Here is our principal
welcome you with his a message for you.

Dr. Jagat Ch. Basumatary
Salbari College
“ सात्रनं अघ्यानं तप “
“ दंफाङाव गाखोनो दालाइ नांगौ, हारिखौ दैखांनो सोलोंथाय नांगौ “
” Dream in daytime to succeed in your career “.
Have ambitions and aims untrammeled and hard work, enthusiasm, resilience with knowledge and intellect would take you to any extent you desire. Respect to your teachers and college staff, extend your mutual love and cooperation, discipline, focused approach, the notion of compassion and sacrifice for the nation. The passion for cleanliness of the college premises and the environment in general, agility and alertness for eco-balance, would definitely go a long way to provide you a blissful and successful life. Time management is another asset in the fervent stride for success; ensure your attendance in the classes. Endeavor to be the best human being while foraying in the competitive life, realizing your dreams, honesty and integrity should be your second names Salbari College will be a part of great tradition of learning. I extend warm welcome to all the students for their success in future studies and endeavor. Please read the prospectus while applying online to know detail information about the College, the courses and options it offers.
Help other people
We dream to create a bright future
for underprivileged children
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Giving Love
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