About the Department

Inaugurated in 2023, the department of the college embarked on its journey with an inaugural enrollment of 13 students in its major course. As a nicest department, our seasoned faculty members are actively engaging and inspiring students to cultivate a profound interest in the diverse realms of plant sciences. The primary objective is to foster a comprehensive understanding of plant life and its relevance in our world.
Our department aspires to mould academically driven students into not only proficient learners but also responsible and ethically committed citizens, contributing positively to society. Plant sciences play a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of ecological sustainability, agriculture, and various other facets crucial for societal development. Recognizing this significance, our mission emphasises instilling a strong foundation in plant sciences among our students.
Alongside the major curriculum, we offer Value Added Courses (VAC) and Skilled Enhancement Courses (SEC) that are tailored to develop entrepreneurial skills, augmenting their abilities to excel in their chosen endeavours. Moreover, our vision extends beyond conventional academics; we aim to empower students to become proactive members of the global community, equipped with critical thinking, effective communication, and problem-solving skills.
The faculty members are dedicated to not only imparting historical knowledge but also fostering an environment conducive to the holistic development of analytical and communication skills through workshops, engaging talks, and the dissemination of pertinent information. Ultimately, our objective is to inspire and prepare students to emerge as leaders in the field of plant sciences while nurturing their ethical and social responsibilities in an ever-evolving global landscape.

Sukanya Sarma

MSc (GU), SLET, PhD (Pursuing, GU)

Assistant Professor & Head

Sharmistha Sarma Kalita

MSc (GU), GATE, CSIR-NET (JRF) PhD (Pursuing, GU)

Assistant Professor

Kalyani Das


Assistant Professor

Course TypeSeat Capacity
SYLLABUS BOTANY NEP BU 2023-24Click here



No of Student Appeared20


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