Dr. M. U. Akanda

Assistant Professor, Department of Education

Email- akanda34@gmail.com,
Phone.: +919365823115

1. Education :

HSLC1994Nagarbera HS School43%III
HS1996BPC College55%II
BA (Education)1999BPC College58%II
MA Education)2002G. U.60%I
M. Phil2010VMU62%I
PhD2015T. M. Bhagalpur University

2. Other Qualification :

  • LL. B from University Law College, Gauhati Univeristy, Guwahati-14 in 2006.

3. Work Experience :

  • Fourten Years teaching experiences as an Assistant Professor in Department of Education at Salbari College, Salbari, Baksa, BTR, Assam.

4. Special area :

  • Educational Psychology and Adult and Continuing Education.

5. Books Publication :

Sl. No.Name of BookName of PublicationISBN No.Year
01Teacher Education.Neviditha Publication, Opp. SBI, Jatia, Kahilipara road, GHY. 2016
02Foundations of Curriculum DevelopmentMrityunjoy Prakashan. Panbazar, Guwahati  ISBN:978-93-84096-83-0.2016
03B. Ed GuideMrityunjoy Prakashan. Panbazar, GuwahatiISBN: 978-93-84096-83-0.2016

6. Non Publication Books :

Sl No.Name of BooksName of PublicationYear
01Measurement of Evaluation of EducationPrayash Publishing House2015
02Guidance and CounsellingPrayash Publishing House2015  
03Environment and Population EducationPrayash Publishing House2015
04Philosophy of EducationPrayash Publishing House2015  
05Foundations of EducationClassic Infotech, BPRD2019  

7. Journal Publication :

Sl. No.TopicName of the Journal.EditorsISSN/ISBN NO
1Job Satisfaction of Teachers in private and Public Secondary Schools: A Comparative study of Assam and Bihar.Education Today. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation.Dr. Suresh Chandra PachauriISSN 2229-5755. Vol. V, No.-1, Jan.-Dec., 2014.
2Disaster and Its Mitigable Measures.Environmental Issues. IQAC Research, Publication & Publicity Cell of B. A. College, Bhawanipur, Barpeta, AssamTaiz Uddin Ahmed and Others.ISBN: 978-81-925353-6-4, Jun, 2015
3A Study of attitude of the secondary school going students towards population education at Salbari of Baksa District, Assam.Education Today. A.P.H. Publishing CorporationDr. S. Sabu.ISSN 2229-5755. Vol. VII, No.-1, Jan.,-Dec., 2016
4Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups: A Case study on Bhawanipur Development Block, District of Barpeta, Assam.Journal of Educational Technology and Research.  A.P.H. Publishing Corporation.Dr. T. Pradeep Kumar.ISSN: 2278-232X. Vol. V, No. 1, Jan.,-Dec., 2016
5A Study of attitude of the secondary school going students towards population education at Salbari of Baksa District, Assam.MELANGE. IQAC Research, Publication & Publicity Cell of B.H.B.  College, Sarupeta, Barpeta, AssamMr. Himendra Kalita & OtherISBN: 978-1-944820-48-0, 2016.
6Population explosion and environmental pollution.HUMYTECH (A multidisciplinary Quarterly Refereed Journal of Humanities, Science and Technology.Editors- K. Ojah, B. K.  DasISSN: 2250-0472, Vol. II, No. 2, April, 2012.
7Educational Reforms in India and Women Education.UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by M K College, Subha, Chenga, Barpeta, AssamCo-ordinator- Jonalee Patowary Bora.29th& 30th Oct, 2011.
8Quality Education and action plans of NAAC in AssamUGC sponsored National Seminar organized by Girls College, Kokrajhar, BTC, and Assam.Convenor- Rajib Kr. Das.  6th& 7th Feb, 2012.
9Corruptions its Causes and remedies.UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by BHB College, Sarupeta, Barpeta, AssamCo-ordinator- Dr. C. Densingh.3rd& 4th Aug, 2012.
10Research Methodology.State level Workshop on Research Methodology.Co-ordinator- J. B. Kunda18th& 19th Aug, 2011.
11      Some major disaster and its mitigable measures.UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by B. A.  College, Bhawanipur, Barpeta, AssamCo-ordinator- Taiz Uddin Ahmed and Others.19th& 20th Jan, 2015
12Role of Teacher to improve Quality of Teaching and some Techniques: An analytical study.UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by Salbari College, Baksa, BTC, and Assam.Co-ordinator- Phanidhar Baro.20th& 21st Oct, 2012.
13Ramdhenu Jugar Suti galpat Pragatibad ati samu alachana.UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by BHB College, Sarupeta, Barpeta, AssamCo-ordinator- Dr. Kalpana Baishya.27th& 28thJune, 2016.
14Research Methodology.UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by B. A.  College, Bhawanipur, Barpeta, AssamCo-ordinator- Hitesh Ch. Roy.29th& 30th May, 2015.
15ParticipantUGC sponsored National Seminar organized by Goreswar College, Goreswar, Baksa, BTC, Assam.Co-ordinator- J. Goswami & N. Kalita.23rd& 24th Nov, 2010.
16ParticipantUGC sponsored National Seminar organized by Doomdooma College, Rupaisiding, Tinsukia, AssamCo-ordinator- Mr. Lokman Ali3rd& 4th Aug, 2012.
17ParticipantUGC sponsored National Seminar organized by Nalbari College, Nalbari, AssamOrg. Secy.- Dr. D. Bhagawati.13th& 14th Feb, 2012.
18ParticipantUGC sponsored National Seminar organized by Suren Das College, Hajo, AssamCo-ordinator- Dr. Ali Akbar Hussain7th& 8th Jan, 2011.
21A Study of Attitude of College Going Students towards Population Education: A special reference to Bajali Sub-division, Barpeta, Assam.UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by B.H.B. College, Sarupeta, AssamEditor: Mr. Prabodh Kalita8th& 9h February, 2017
22Impact of ICT to learn Social Science among High School students in Char areas of Barpeta District.UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by B. A.  College, Bhawanipur, Barpeta, AssamCoordinator: Abdul Gofur.10th& 11 February, 2017

8. UGC Minor Project :

  • UGC Minor Research Project on ‘A Study of Attitude of the Secondary School Going Students towards Population Education at Salbari of Baksa District, Assam’ in 2015-16.

9. ICSSR Minor Project :

  • ICSSR fellowship on ‘Job Satisfaction of teachers: A comparative study between Jawahar Navadya Vidyalaya and state Govt. school at secondary stage with special referenceto Assam’ in 2018.

10. Language :

  • Proficient in English, Assamese, Hindi and Benguli.

11. Skills :

Computer literate, familiar with MS package and Data Analysis

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