Dr. Rochen Mochahary

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy

Email- rochenmocha@gmail.com,
Phone.: 9365166402, 9435289336
Teaching Experience: 20 Years

1. Education Qualification

1M.APhilosophy (Hons.)Assam University, Silchar2001
2M. PhilM.K. Gandhi’s Ethical concept of Non-Violence.Vinayaka Mission University, TamilnaduDec’ 2009
3B.APhilosophy (Hons)B.B. Kishan College, Gauhati University1997
4NETNational level Eligibility TestNET commissionDec’ 2008

2. Other Qualification: Proveen (Hindi) year 1996

3. Position Held: Teaching Since July, 2002

4. Course & Papers Taught

CoursesPaper Titles
B.A (Hons) Philosophy: I, II, III, IV, V and VI SemesterLogic, Greek Philosophy Western Philosophy , Social and Political Philosophy, Text of Western Philosophy , Philosophy of Language.
B.A. (Regular), Philosophy: I, II, III, IV, V and VI SemesterLogic, Ethics, Western Philosophy, Indian Philosophy Greek Philosophy, Ethical Decision Making.

5. Publications of Books

Sl. No.Name of BookShort Story/ PoemYear
1.Sikhlani Kelenkari (Bodo)   Short Story2005
2.Hor Gejerni Sawgari (Bodo)Short Story2014
3.Sal Dangfangni Gwgw Begor (Bodo)Poem (Collection of the Bodo Poem Editor & Published)2019

6. Published Articles in Journals/ Books

  • Mahatma Gandhi and Environmental Ethics.
    Excellence in Education. A peer
    Reviewed Journal . Vol- IV
    ISSN No. 2320-7019
    Jan- Dec. 2015
  • Need of  Philosophy of value
    Education in Modern Tends
    Purbay on Publication
    Satmile – 2018
    ISBN – 978-93-872-63-73-4
  • Role of Shri Chhtrapati Shivaji
    Maharaj in National Building.
    An International Refered
    Peer Reviewed & indexed
    Quarterly Journal in Arts,
    Commerce, Education & Social Science
    ISI – 2277-8071
    1st March 2021

7. Seminars Presented/ Participated

  • Presented various Papers on Philosophy In different Seminars conducted by different institutions / Universities in India.

8. Area of Interest

AcademicPolitics, Religions, Philosophical Knowledge
Non AcademicReading books, Planting Tree, Travelling

9.Any Other

  1. Co-ordinator of  KKHSOU Study centre, Salbari College

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