Sharmistha Sarma Kalita

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Botany

Phone.: +91-8638119976

Address of Correspondence :

Department of Botany, Salbari College , Salbari,
Baksa-781318, Assam, India

Home address :

Bijni Town Dist: Chirang Pin- 783390.,
Assam, India

Languages :

Assamese, English, Hindi

Academic Qualifications : Botany:GauhatiUniversity, Gauhati(2020).

  • Elective Papers : CytogeneticsandPlant Breeding

B.Sc.(Honours)Botany:Bajali College affiliated to Gauhati University, Bajali, India(2018)

Fellowship :

Ph.D. CSIR-NET (JRF) fellowship awarded by Ministry of Education (Govt. Of India)

  • JRF(March2022-September2023)

National/State level exams qualified:

CSIR-NETJRF(June2021),GATE(2022),GU-RET RANK-1(2022).

Research experiences :

Research interests:

Current Research Area : Analysing Abiotic Stress response in Crop Plants and evaluate their molecular response.

Research publications:

  1. Kalita,S.S.,Das, M., Kalita, I., & Pradhan, A. K. Exploring the regulatory potential of zinc oxide nanoparticles for alleviating abiotic stress in crop plants.
  1. Kalita, S. S., Kalita, I., & Pradhan, A. K. Genome editing: A sustainable approach to improving crop productivity and mitigating biotic and abiotic stresses in response to climate change.
  2. Kalita, J., Rahman, R., Kalita, S. S., & Tanti, B. (2024). Movement and signaling of micronutrients in plant system. In EssentialMineralsinPlant-SoilSystems(pp. 29-52). Elsevier.

Important conferences:

  1. Kalita,S.S., & Tanti, B. (2024) Physio-Biochemical Response of Some Traditional Joha Rice Variety of Assam Under High Temperature Condition., ISARC BOĞAZİÇİ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONGRESS 2024, (Oral Presentation).
  1. Kalita, S. S., & Tanti, B Screening of morphological and physiological parameter of Joha rice variety under heat stress”International Conference on Challenges & Prospects of Bioresource Conservation in Eastern Himalaya– with special reference to UN– Sustainable Development Goals,ICCPCB 2023″(Oral Presentation).

Teaching experiences :

  1. Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany, Salbari College(September 2023- till date)
  2. Worked as Guest Faculty as per rule CSIR JRF holder in the Department of Botany, Gauhati University Feb-2023 to August-2023., M.Sc 2nd semester.

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