Dr. Pritam Das

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics

Email – prtmdas9@gmail.com,
Phone – (+91) 95314 55022
Date of Joining : 08/11/2023

Personal Details :

ProfilePersonal Webpage

Education :

DegreeInstitutionYear of Passing
HSLCRokakhata H.S. School, Assam2009
HSRokakhata H.S. School, Assam2011
B.SC.Kokrajhar Government College, Assam2011–2014Hons: Physics
M.SC.Tezpur University, Assam2014–2016Specialization: Elementary particle physics
PhDTezpur University, Assam2017–2021Supervisor : Prof. Mrinal Kumar Das,
Field of research : Theoretical High Energy and Particle Physics
Post Doc.IIT Guwahati, Assam2017–2021Field of research : Particle Physics and Cosmology.

Research Interest:

  • Model building in Particle Physics
  • Neutrino Physics
  • Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry
  • Dark Matter Phenomenology
  • Early Universe Cosmology

Skills :

  • Fully proficient in using Mathematica and Feynrule, micrOmega.
  • Fully proficient in using C, C++, Python language.
  • Have a working knowledge on Web page designing using HTML/ CSS

Achievements :

  • Awarded Institutional fellowship at Tezpur University for the year 2017-2020.
  • Awarded CSIR direct SRF (Senior Research Fellow) for the year 2019-2020.
  • Awarded Institutional Post Doctoral fellow (IPDF) at IIT Guwahati for the year 2021-2023.
  • Placed 3rd rank in State level eligibility test (SLET) conducted by SLET commission (Under UGC) in the year 2022.

Administrative Responsibilities at Salbari College:

  • Major games faculty in-charge for the session 2024-2025
  • Academic Monitoring Committee convener for the session 2024-2025
  • SAMARTH Portal Nodal officer for the session 2024-2025

Teaching experiences :

  • At IIT Guwahati
    • Feb 2022-July 2022: Completed PH102 (Electromagnetic theory) course for undergraduate courses.
    • Nov 2022-March 2023: Completed PH101 (Classical mechanics and relativity) course for undergraduate courses.
    • March 2023-June 2023: Teaching PH102 (Electromagnetic theory) course for undergraduate courses.
  • At Salbari College
    • November 2023-January 2024: Teaching PHYMAJ1014 (Mechanics) course for undergraduate courses.
    • February 2024-Present: Teaching PHYMAJ1024 (Mathematical Physics) course for undergraduate courses.
    • February 2024-Present: Teaching PHYMAJ1024B (Computational lab) course for undergraduate courses.

Research experiences :

  • A masters project entitled ”Study of Jeans Instability of a Self Gravitating Dust Cloud in Presence of Effective Electrostatic Pressure” completed under the supervision of Prof. Nilakshi Das, Department of physics, Tezpur University in the year of 2016.
  • PhD. Thesis (awarded on 28/07/2021) title “Theoretical and Phenomenological Consequences of Active and Sterile Neutrino Within Beyond the Standard Model Framework” under the supervision of Prof. Mrinal Kumar Das, department of physics, Tezpur University.
  • Worked as a project assistant on DST-SERB sponsored project “Neutrino Mass, Lepton Number Violation, Baryogenesis, Dark matter and Related Cosmology within Beyond Standard Model Framework” from October 2018- September 2021.
  • Joined as a Institute Post Doctoral fellow (IPDF) at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati under the project Probing Low Scale Particle Physics Scenarios via Precision Cosmological Observations with Prof. Arunansu Sil & Dr. Debasish Borah from 31/12/2021-06/11/2023.

Research Activity :

  • Workshops and Schools attended
    1. Gian course on “Electroweak symmetry breaking, flavour physics and BSM” held at IIT-Guwahati from 18/12/2017 to 23/12/2017. Course instructor: Prof. Kaladi S. Babu, Department of Physics. Oklahoma State University, USA
    2. Attended SERB preparatory school on Theoretical high energy physics organized by University of Hyderabad from 20th August 2018 to 16th September 2018.
    3. .Attended summer school on theoretical high energy physics at ICTP, Italy from 10th June 2019 to 21st June 2019
    4. Attended XVI workshop on high energy physics phenomenology (WHEPP) held at IIT Guwahati, 1-10 December 2019
  • Talk and Posters
    1. Oral presentation at International conference on emerging issues in cosmology & particle physics at Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, India from 12/01/2020-14/01/2020.
    2. Poster presentation & parallel session talk at XXIV DAE-BRNS high energy symposium 2020 held at NISER, Bhubneshwar, India from December 14-17, 2020.
    3. Oral presentation at Trends in modern physics (TIMP) at Assam Don Boscho University, Guwahati, India from 27/02/2021. Title: keV sterile neutrino massmodel and related phenomenology.
    4. Oral presentation at National conference on emerging trends in physics held at Tezpur University, Assam, India from June 15-17, 2021. Title: A minimal dark matter model with vector-like particles.
    5. Oral presentation at XXV DAE-BRNS high energy symposium 2022 held at IISER, Mohali, India from December 12-16, 2022. Title: Observable ∆Neff with Dark Matter in Dirac Scotogenic Model.
    6. Oral presentation at Invisibles 23 workshop held at the University of Gottingen, Germany, from August 28- September 1, 2023. Title: Imprints of ∆Neff in Dirac-Scotogenic framework.
    7. Poster presentation at Invisibles 23 workshop held at the University of Gottingen, Germany, from August 28- September 1, 2023. Title: Neutrino-Dark matter model explaining baryogenesis within minimal extended seesaw.
    8. Oral presentation at International conference on the frontier on pure and applied physics held at USTM, Guwahati, India from February 29-March 2, Title: Origin of neutrino masses, dark matter, leptogenesis, and inflation in a seesaw model with triplets.

Pulications :

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