About the Department
The Department of History works to create an adaptable atmosphere for curricular and co- curricular activities and guide students to acquire sufficient knowledge in order to be capable of establishing in themselves in this competitive world. The department endeavors to help the students growing as an ideal self. The department believes in objectivity of the historical understanding and the students are encouraged to believe in the ideology of bias free history. The department adheres to the University syllabus, extra and co-curricular activities.
The Department of History helps the students in understanding the past of the history in holistic manner. The Department of History aims to make the students aware of the past and its legacies through teaching, research and extension activities in the main stream Indian history as well as well History of Assam. The department believes that only a critical understanding of the past will enable the students to understand the present and help them overcoming the issues relating to the society.
- To promote human values through the study of Historical legacy.
- To transform the students into responsible citizens by making them aware about the historical events and leaning.
- To make the students aware of global phenomena and cope with the competitive situation. V
The following are the expected learning outcomes of after graduating with History.
- To earn Capacity to explain how and why important events happen
- Understanding of the historical method of study
- A clear understanding of evidence collected from historical sources
- Critical understanding of developments in historiography
- To gain familiarity with multiple cultures and diversity
- Awareness on current historical trends
- To understand the skills that historians use in research.
- Historical Literacy: Learners will be able to identify and describe the contours and areas of conversations among historians within defined historical fields
- Research Skills: Learners will acquire basic historical research skills, including the effective use of libraries, archives, and databases.
- Communication Skills: Students will be able to express their thoughts clearly and coherently both in writing and orally.
- Writing and Intellectual Integration: Learners will be able to demonstrate their mastery of the knowledge and skills involved in historical practice by conceptualizing and executing a significant piece of original research.
- Critical Thinking: Learners will learn how to apply historical methods to evaluate critically the record of the past and how historians and others have interpreted it
C-1: Introduction to History : After completion of this paper, the students will be able to explore and effectively use historical tools and gather ample knowledge on tradition of writing of History. The course will also train the students to analyse various stages of evolution of historical tradition. Students are acquainted with the methodology of writing history, its scope, collection of data and methodology of analyzing them.
C-2: History of India (Earliest to 300 A.D.) :After the completion of this paper, the students will be able to explore and effectively use historical tools in reconstructing the remote past of ancient Indian pre andproto history. The course will also train the students to analyse the various stages of evolution of human cultures and the belief systems in the proto- history period.
C-3: History of India (300 1206) A.D: After the completion of this course, the students will be able to analyseand explain the historical socio-political, administrative and economic patternsof themedieval world. They will be able to describe the emergence, growth and decline of various politico-administrative and economic patterns and the resultant changes therein.
C-4: Rise of Modern West III – On completion of this course, the students will be able to explain themajor trends and developments in the Western world between the 14th to the 16th century CE.They will be able to explore and analyse the significant historical shifts and events and the resultant effects on the civilizations of Europe in the period.
C-5: History of India (1206 1526) A.D The course needs to be completed with 5 lectures and 1 tutorial per week. After the completion of this paper, the students will be able to explain the processes and stages of the evolution of the variety of cultural pattern throughout antiquarian periods in history. They will be able to relate the connections between the various Bronze Age civilizations in the ancient world as well as development of slave and polis societies in Ancient Greece.
C-6: History of Modern Europe I: After the completion of this course the students will be able to evaluate the historical evolution and political developments that occurred in Europe in the period between 1780 to 1939. They will also be also to critically analyse the evolution of social classes, nation states, evolution of capitalism and nationalist sentiment in Europe. They will also be able to relate to the variety of causes that dragged the world into devastating wars in the intervening period.
C-7: History of Assam (Early to 1228A.D.) This paper will give a general outline of the history of Assam from the earliest times to the advent of the Ahoms in the 13th century. Upon completion, students wilbe acquainted with major stages of developments in the political, social and cultural history of Assam during the early times.
C-8: History of India (1526 1757):Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand the major factors that led to the establishment and consolidation of Mughal rule in India. They will also be able to identify the nature of Mughal imperialism, and subsequent clash of ideology among Indian rulers, growth of art and architecture till the battle Plessey.
C-9: History of Assam (1228-1826) A.D. On completion of this paper, students will be able to identify major stages of developments in the political, social and cultural history of Assam during the medievaltimes. This paper will enable the student to explain the history of Assam from the 13thcentury to the occupation of Assam by the English East India Company in the first quarter of 19th century.
C-10: History of Modern Europe II After the completion of this course, the students will be able to analyse thehistorical developments in Europe between c.1780 to 1939. As the course structure of this paper focuses on the democratic and socialist foundations modern Europe, the students will be able to situate the historical development of working class movements, socialist upsurge and the economic forces of the two wars and the other ideological shifts of Europe in the period.
C-11: History of India (1757- 1857) A.D – After the completion of this course, the students will be able to relate the circumstances leading to the consolidation of colonial rule over India and their consequences. They will also be able to explain the orientation of the indigenous population and the masses towards resistance to the colonial exploitation. The course will also enable the students toanalyse popular uprisings among the tribal, peasant and common people against the British policies
C-12: History of Assam (1826-1947) A.D – Upon completion of this course, students will be able to describe the period of British rule in Assam after its annexation by the imperialist forces. They will also be able to situate the development of nationalism in Assam and its role in India’s freedom struggle. The course would enable the students to analyse the main currents of the political and socio-economic developments in Assam during the colonial period.
C-13: History of India (1857-1947) :This paper will basically focus on the advent of the European powers into India and intends to explore the factors of the establishment of British rule ultimately. The Paper will make the students aware of the various conquests of the British and the policies they implemented which had a long term impact upon the native states. They would also drive into factors that led to upsurge of political consciousness of the native powers.
C-14: Ancient World Civilization – after the completion of this paper, the students will be able to explain the processes and stages of the evolution of the variety of cultural pattern throughout antiquarian periods in History. They will be able to relate the connections between the various Bronze Age civilizations in the ancient world as well as development of slave and polis societies in ancient Greece.
GE-2: History of India (1206 1757) A.D – This Paper speaks of the Colonial rule in India and its establishment through the different processes and the intrusion into the different spheres. The different diplomatic alliances besides the conquest have been thoroughly dealt with in the paper. The beginning of political consciousness was also articulately handled through the Revolt of 1857.
SEC-1: An Introduction to Archaeology: This paper will basically focus on the advent of the European powers into India and intends to explore the factors of the establishment of British rule ultimately. The Paper will make the students aware of the various conquests of the British and the policies they implemented which had a long term impact upon the native states. They would also drive into factors that led to upsurge of political consciousness of the native powers.
SE-3014: Historical Tourism in North East India: Course Outcome: After completing this course, students will be able to explain Tourism in North East India with special reference to the historical monuments, cultural and ecological elements and places of the north east India country as tourist and heritage sites of the nation. They will be able to relate to the growing vocation of tourism as an industry and the applicability of historical knowledge for its growth.
SE-4014: Oral Culture and Oral History: After this course the students will be able to explain complex interrelationships of structures or events in the context of broader social and cultural framework of societies through ‘public memory’ and use oral history to preserve oral culture and local history The students will be able to espouse the relevance to the northeastern region of India with its diverse culture and ethnic communities whose history is largely oral. The students will be able to use ‘Public memory’ as a tool and a source not only to write public history but also to explore new knowledge in the humanities , social sciences and even in disciplines like architecture, communication studies, gender studies, English, history, philosophy, political science, religion, and sociology.
HG-4016 : Social and Economic History of Assam: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to analyze and explain the socio-economic history of Assam including among others the development of caste system, religious beliefs, agriculture and land system, the social organization, trade and commerce, various agricultural regulations, plantation economy, development of modern industries, transport system, education, the emergence of middle class, development of literature and press, and growth of public associations.
Course Outcome of FYUG under NEP
The college has introduced FYUG under NEP-2020 from the academic session 2023-24 as per the directives of State Government.
HISMAJ1014- History of India (From the Earliest to 1206 A.D.): After the completion of this course, students will learn about ancient history of India. They will come to know about pre-historic period, ancient civilization of India, state formations, some of the prominent dynasties of ancient India and foreign invasions.
HISMIN1014 – History of Indian Civilizations: The students will be able to learn the history first and second urbanizations as well as importance of tools. They will learn the beginning of urban centres as well institutional establishments during that period. Thus, this course will enlighten the students with socio- cultural as well as political.
HISIDC1013– History of Ancient India: The students will be able to learn the history of evolution of society and tools. They will be acquainted with the bronze and iron age and the features of the period. They will ggather knowledge regarding the development of the urban centers during the proto history period.
HISSEC1013 – Introduction to Archaeology: upon the end of this course, students will learn the basics of the archaeology. The students will be able to explain the different method of excavation and methods of the analyses of the findings and its importance that how it relates with the literature records.
HISMAJ2014-History of Mediaeval India (1206-1757): Upon completion of this course, Students will be able to analyse the political and social developments in India between 1206 to 1757 A.D. Students will be able to explain the formation of different states during these period along with their administrative mechanism and the society, economy and culture of India in the thirteenth to mid eighteenth century period.
HISMIN1024 – History of World Civilizations: The students will be able to learn the history of world civilizations. They will learn the beginning of those civilizations and extents. Thus, this course will enlighten the students with the cultural interactions among the civilizations.
HISIDC1013- History of Medieval India: Upon the completion of this course, students will have a grip on political, social and economic condition. They will be able to explain the reconstruction of the history through different sources of Sultanate and Mughal period. Moreover, the students will be able to understand the economic religious and social policies off the Mughals.
HISAEC1022 – Introduction of Travel and Tourism Management: The students will be able to conceptualize the tourism resources. They will be able to understand the importance of the tourism spot, its economic importance, management and conservation.
HISMAJ2014 – Introduction of Modern Indian History: The students will be able to learn the history of modern India. They will learn the beginning of colonialism in India, colonial policies, policy of expansion and consolidation. Thus, this course will enlighten the students with British policies towards native rulers of India from 1757 onwards till independence in 1947.
HISMAJ2024 -National Movement in India: This course will provide a vast of emergence of nationalism among the people of India and different phases of national movement. Moreover, students will also learn about the policies adopted by the colonial rulers in India to suppress national movement in India. This course will benefit the students by giving a first-hand knowledge on national movement in India and students will also be benefitted for any of the competitive examinations in India.
HISMIN2014– Medieval Indian History (Society, Economy and Polity): Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to analyze political, social and economic development of India during the period of study. They can explain the source of the history and help other in the reconstruction of medieval Indian History. They will be able understand the social set up based on the religion.
HISIDC2013- History of Modern India: After the completion of this paper, students will learn the definition, nature and scope of history, and its relation with other allied disciplines. Moreover, they will also learn different sources for reconstruction of history and different types of history. They will also learn history writing tradition in ancient times and writing trends in India as well. Thus, this paper will benefit the students in basic understanding of history as a discipline.
HISMAJ2034 –Concept and Method of History: After the completion of this paper, students will learn the definition, nature and scope of history, and its relation with other allied disciplines. Moreover, they will also learn different sources for reconstruction of history and different types of history. They will also learn history writing tradition in ancient times and writing trends in India as well. Thus, this paper will benefit the students in basic understanding of history as a discipline.
HISMAJ2044 – Pre and Proto History of India: The students will be able to learn the stages of evolution of society and tools. They will learn the emergence of first urbanization in the Indian subcontinent. Thus, this course will enlighten the students from a hunting and gathering to an urban civilization on the bank of Sindhu River and its tributaries.
HISMAJ2054-History of Assam (Early to 1228 A.D.): The students will be able to learn the history of ancient Assam. They will learn the beginning of states in the Brahmaputra valley based on the social stratification. The idea of ancient state based on theory will be understood by the students. Thus, this course will enlighten the students with the history of ancient Assam especially; political, social, economy and religion.
HISMIN2024- Modern Indian History (Society, Polity and Economy): Upon the completion of this course the students will be able to have a grip over the social, political and economic history of India. They able be able to explain the impact of the colonial policies and consolidation of British empire. They have a hold over the ruin of the Indian native economy due to the n rampant colonial exploitation and ruin of traditional cottage industry during and subsequent social upheaval during the period of study.
Course Outcome of FYUG under NEP
Student assessment shall be based on learning goals for each programme and emphasis should be more on a continuous and comprehensive evaluation rather than high stake end semester examinations. Thus, the focus shall be on a formative assessment by Internal Evaluation base on Class assignment, Unit test, Fieldwork, Group discussion, Seminar presentation, Research papers, Participation in class discussion and attendance etc. Apart from the class room teaching by deliberating lectures by following both the traditional and digital methods the department adhere to the above criteria for evaluation. The department organizes seminars, field trips and conducting sessional examinations in order to justify their overall progress in connection with the course and programmes as offered by the affiliating University.

Dr. Dulen Basumatary
M.A. (University of Delhi), SET, M.Phil. (VMU), & Ph.D. (SU, Rajasthan)
Assistant Professor, Head, & Vice-Principal
Course Type | Seat Capacity |
Honours | 40 |
Regular | 60 |
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