About the Department :

The Department (subject) of Political Science was offered at Salbari College since the establishment of the college in 1986. The department (Subject) got permission to start TDC (Three Years Degree Course)1st year from Director of Higher education, Assam under Gauhati University, Guwahati in 1999-2000; Government Concurrence to grant permission and affiliation for the subject in 2001-2002. The department got permission for startingMajor Course in 2003-2004.When the colleges under Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) went under Bodoland University, Kokrajhar the department and all other matters related to undergraduate course were transferred from Gauhati University to Bodoland University in 2020-2021 as per the decision of state government.
At present, the department like other departments running under the Bodoland University, Kokrajhar. The department follows the CBCS and NEP (2020) CBCS curriculum and syllabus.

Aims and objectives of the department :

  1. Imparting quality education to students on political science covering the syllabus of the subject changed and updated time to time.
  2. Giving knowledge to students about the importance and relevance of the subject in present day context.
  3. Giving knowledge of past, present and future politics of India and the world.
  4. To make students aware of their rights, freedom, duties and responsibilities towards oneself, family, society, nation and the world.
  5. To promulgate and promote the value and spirit of democracy amongst the students.
  6. To protect and promote communal harmony amongst the college students and also to develop trust among multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious communities of the area.
  7. department is also attempting to make people of the locality politically conscious to take part in political affairs and also to develop the qualities of good citizenship.

Moreover, the department is trying to build future generation of the locality belonging to different communities and also trying to encourage the local people to contribute their best for the success of democracy.

Chronology of the teachers of the department :

Sl. No.Name of teacher with QualificationYear of JoiningYear of retirement/leavingRemarks
1.Mr.Ramkrishna Acharya, MA05/10/199201-01-2001Then he worked at Salbari Jr. College (now Salbari Sr. Secondary School) and retired on 31/12/2021
2.Mr. Mantu Baro, MA, M. Phil, SLET15/11/ 200131-12-2036Presently serving as Asst. Prof. & HOD
3.Mr. Hiren Baro, MA, M. Phil, NET, SLET02/08/200231-12-2036Presently serving as Asst. Prof.
4.Mr. Ramendra Goyary, MA, M. Phil, NET01-09-200630-07-2037Presently serving as Asst. Prof.
5.Mr. Gwjwn Khungur  Brahma, MA, NET25-10-201028-08-2046Presently serving as Asst. Prof.

The Papers (with Paper titles & Codes) of different Semesters taught by teachers of Political Science Department have been stated below :

1. Major (Honours)

Teachers of the department teach all papers of all semesters. For this units/chapters are distributed among teachers. There are Unit Distribution booklets for Odd and Even Semesters which are published in the beginning of the Odd and Even semester classes. The Paper Titles & Codes of all semesters, both NEP CBCS and Old CBCS under Bodoland University(BU)have been given below.

Papers of NEP CBCS: Major (BU) (wef- August, 2023)

Sl.No.Name of Teacher With designationSemPaper TitlesPaper Codes
              1.(i) Mr. Mantu Baro, Asst. Prof. & HOD  
(ii) Mr. Hiren Baro, Asst. Prof.  
(iii) Mr. Ramendra Goyary, Asst. Prof.  
(iv) Mr. G.K. Brahma, Asst. Prof.
I1. Introduction to Political SciencePSC MAJ 1014
II  1.Constitutional Development in IndiaPSC MAJ 1024
III  1.Political Theory
2. Indian Government and Politics
PSC MAJ 1034   PSC MAJ 2034
IV  1. Ancient and Medieval Political Thought  PSC MAJ 1044    
2. International Relations    PSC MAJ 2044    
3. Introduction to Public AdministrationPSC MAJ 3044  

Papers of NEP CBCS: Minor& Other Generals (BU)(wef-August, 2023)

Sl. No.Name of Teacher With designationSemPaper TitlesPaper Codes
1.(i) Mr. Mantu Baro, Asst. Prof. & HOD  
(ii) Mr. Hiren Baro, Asst. Prof.  
(iii) Mr. Ramendra Goyary, Asst. Prof.  
(iv) Mr. G.K. Brahma, Asst. Prof.
      I(a) MINOR-Basic concepts in Political SciencePSC MIN 1014  
(b) IDC- Local Governance in India  PSC IDC 1013    
(c) SEC- Legislative Procedure  PSC SEC 1013    
(d)VAC- Values and Ethics-I  PSC VAC 1014    
    II    (a) MINOR-Ideas of Democracy  PSC MIN 1024      
(b) IDC- Human Rights in India  PSC IDC 1023    
(c) SEC- Your Laws, Your Rights
*(d) VAC- Values and Ethics in India-II
PSC SEC 1023   PSC VAC 1024
III  (a)MINOR- Nationalism in India  PSC MIN 1034    
(b) IDC- United Nations  PSC IDC 1033  
(c) SEC- Capacity building skills  PSC SEC 1033
IV  (a) MINOR- Gender and Peace StudyPSC MIN 1044

*(d) VAC- Values and Ethics in India-II—- In second semester Environmental Studies(EVS) comes under Value Added Course (VAC) which is a compulsory full paper of the second semester students of all streams. Thus, students need not opt or study Values and Ethics -II of Political Science.

Papers of OLD CBCS (wef- August, 2018): HONOURS

Sl. No.Name of Teacher With designationSemPaper TitlesPaper Codes
1.(i) Mr. Mantu Baro, Asst. Prof. & HOD
(ii) Mr. Hiren Baro, Asst. Prof.
(iii) Mr. Ramendra Goyary, Asst. Prof.
(iv) Mr. G.K. Brahma, Asst. Prof.
I(a) CC 1: Political theory-I  PSC HC 1016  
(b) CC 2: Politics in India -I  PSC HC 1026
II  (a) CC 3: Political Theory-II  PSC HC 2036  
(b) CC 4: Politics in India -II  PSC HC 2046  
III  (a) CC 5: Comparative Government and Politics  PSC HC 3056    
(b) CC 6: Public Administration  PSC HC 3066    
(c) CC 7: International Relations  PSC HC 3076    
(d) SEC-1: Democratic AwarenessPSC SE 3012
IV  (a) CC 8:  Comparative Government II  PSC HC 4086    
(b)CC 9: Public Policy in India  PSC HC 4096    
(c) CC 10: Global Politics  PSC HC 4106  
(d) SEC-2: Peace Study  PSC SE 4012  
V(a) CC 11: Classical Political Philosophy  PSC HC 5116    
(b) CC 12: Indian Political Thought  PSC HC 5126
VI(a) CC 13: Modern Political Philosophy  SC HC 6136  
(b) CC 14: Indian Political Thought- II  PSC HC 6146    
(c) DSE-3: South Asia  DSE-3  
(d) DSE-4: India’s Foreign Policy  DSE-4

Papers of OLD CBCS (wef- August, 2018): REGULAR

Sl. No.Name of Teacher With designationSemPaper TitlesPaper Codes
1.(i) Mr. Mantu Baro, Asst. Prof. & HOD
(ii) Mr. Hiren Baro, Asst. Prof.
(iii) Mr. Ramendra Goyary, Asst. Prof.
(iv) Mr. G.K. Brahma, Asst. Prof.
IDSC-1A: Political TheoryPSC HG/RC 1016  
II  DSC-1B: Politics in IndiaPSC HG/RC 2016
III  DSC-1C: Comparative Govt. and Politics  PSC HG/RC 3016
IV  DSC-1D: International Relations    PSC HG/RC 4016
V(a) SEC-3: Public Opinion & Survey Research  PSC SE  5012    
(b) DSE-1A: Comparative Political TheoryPSC RE 5016  
(c) GE-1: Political TheoryPSC RG 5016
VI(a) SEC-4: Legislative Support  PSC SE  6012
(b) DSE-1B: Administration & Public Policy  PSC RE 6016
(c) GE-2: Politics in India  PSC RG 6016

Outcome of the Department :

The outcome i.e., the result, employment, engagement and success rate of the students who have completed Undergraduate course (BA in Political Science) from Salbari College, Salbari cannot be considered satisfactory. Only a few passed out students of Political Science from Salbari College are successful in engaging themselves in job while others are pursuing higher education and simply remaining unemployed.
The list of toppers and status of some outgoing students of the department have been given below:

1. List of Toppers since 2018-19 :


12018RAISUMAI BAROA-15408-03246.464%B+
22018NAINA BORGOYARYA-15408- 02726.060%B+
32019KAROBI NATHA-16408 00256.969%B+
42020ANJANA GOYARYUA17140801597.7277.2%A
52020ANSUMA SWARGIARYUA17140801628.1881.8%A+
62020BEAUTY GOYARYUA17140801656.1861.8%B+
72020JANUARY BASUMATARYUA17140801877.4974.9%A
82020KOHINOOR PARBINUA17140802006.6066%B+
92020PATRIK NARZARYUA17140802207.0770.7%A
102020RWMWI BAROUA17140802456.9169.1%B+
112020UDIPTA MAHANTAUA17140802606.3163.1%B+
122020UNURUDHYA NARZARYUA17140802616.5465.4B+
132021BOBITA LALUNGUA18140800236.4164.1%B
142021JOYA MACHAHARYUA18140800507.0370.3%A
152021MAMATA BASUMATARYUA18140800666.0660.6%B
162021MIJING BOROUA18140800776.4664.6%B+
172021RUMI GOYARYUA18140801116.7967.9%B+
182021RUPAN BASUMATARYUA18140801126.8268.2%B+
192021SABITA DAIMARYUA18140801156.4664.6B+
202022SIMANGSA BOROUA19140803436.5465.4%B+
212022SWRANG RAMCHIARYUA19140803577.0970.9%A
222022DWISA RAMCHIARYUA19140802287.3273.2%A
232022SONIA DWIMARYUA19140803458.0080%A+
242022SUNITI BOROUA19140803517.6976%A
252022BIRKHANG BASUMATARYUA19140802076.7867.8%B+
262022JWMWI RANI BAROUA19140802576.9969.9%B+
272022PRINCE NARZARYUA19140802947.8278.2%A
282022SWMKHWR KHERKATARYUA19140803566.5165.1%B+
292022RAMCHARAN NARZARYUA19140803087.2872.8%A
302022UDIT BAROUA19140803657.2872.8%A
312022SWMDWN RAMCHIARYUA19140803556.6466.4%B+
322022KOUSHIK KOUSTAV DASUA19140802677.1271.2%A
332022SANSUMA SWARGIARYUA19140803336.6266.2%B+
342022CHUMKI BARMANUA19140802196.4664.4%B+
352022SIMA BOROUA19140803417.1571.5%A
362022MILI BOROUA19140802777.0570.5%A
372022GOPAL DWIMARYUA19140802346.7967.9%B+
382022ROHIT DAIMARYUA19140803237.2072%A
392022RIDIP BASUMATARYUA19140803147.0170.1%A
402022JAYDEV BASUMATARYUA19140802496.9669.6%B+
412022BIDYUT DASUA19140802006.6966.9%B+
422022DEPU KUMAR BOROUA19140802226.7667.6%B+
432022PRADIP DASUA19140803476.4764.7%B+
442022DIPAMANI NARZARYUA19140802277.5975.9%A

2. Status of Passed out students :

Sl. No.Name of studentYear of PassingRoll No.%Present StatusPhone No.*Remarks
1.Ansuma Swargiary2020UA171408016281.8%  Head Techer: No.1 Ladanguri Bodo L.P. School, Murkong Selek, Dhemaji, Assam8638493049Appointment Letter is with us.
2.Anjana Goyary2020UA171408015977.2%  Completed M.LI.Sc.& Taking coaching of NET/SLET. Now working as contractual Asst. Librarian at B.B. Kishan College, Jalah8473858068Contractual Appointment letter is with us.
3.January Basumatary2020UA171408018774.9%MA Pass from BU. Doing B.Ed at Reimalie Academy College, Bijni, 2nd Semester8472088938Identity card is with us.
4.Babita Lalung2021UA181408002364.4%Working as PromoterLOREAL BRANDGuwahati9864340256I-Card is with us
5.Sonia Daimary2022UA191408034580M.A.1st Semester KKHSOU, Salbari College Centre9365899757Admission form/Receipt is with us.
6.Mili Boro2022UA191408027770.5Working as Steward in Food and Beverage Department at “Click Hotel” Lalganesh Guwahati9864528056Offer/ Appointment letter is with us.
7.Pranjal Daimary2023UG129A203006.71Doing M.A.in Pol. Science at KKHSOU, Salbari College Centre 2nd Semester9365669398Admission form/Receipt is with us.
8.Beauty Rani Swargiary2023UG129A200337.93Doing M.A. in Pol. Science (2ndSemester) at KKHSOU, Salbari College Centre6900746454Admission form/Receipt is with us.

Mantu Baro

M.A. (University of Pune), SLET M.Phil. (VMU, Tamil Nadu)

Assistant Professor & Head

Hiren Baro

M.A. (University of Pune), UGC-NET, SET, M. Phil. (VMU, Tamil Nadu)

Assistant Professor

Ramendra Goyary

M.A. (GU), UGC-NET, M.Phil. (VMU)

Assistant Professor

Gwjwn Khungur Brahma


Assistant Professor

Course TypeSeat Capacity
Political Science NEP syllabusview



26/11/2022Observation of Constitution Day cum One Day Seminarview
08/04/2022Book Inauguration Programmeview
15/02/2022Extempore Speechview
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